a co-curricular program focusing on discernment and growth for undergraduate theology and ministry majors at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Monday, February 14, 2011
Calling all seniors
If you think there won't be anything here for Theology/PYM/Re.Ed majors, look at the hiring list--and they have internships and volunteer-stipended positions at a number of Church-related nonprofits.
Attention SMU Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores:
Register NOW to attend the Minnesota Private Colleges Job and Internship Fair. This fair is specifically designed for you, students of Minnesota's Private Colleges.
When: Tuesday, February 22, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wednesday, February 23, 8:30 - 4:00 (interviews only)
Where: Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis MN
How much: There is a non-refundable registration fee of $14.00. Pre- registration is required.
Registration deadline is February 18.
To register:
1) stop by Career Services and Internship, 136 Saint Mary's Hall
2) or call ext. 6996
3) or email vmcdonal at smumn dot edu
Meet with over 150 company representatives!!!
During this time, employers will be collecting resumes and some will be scheduling interviews for that same day and the next day. The list of employers currently registered for the fair is at www.mnpcfair.org. It is also recommended that you send cover letters and resumes to employers ahead of time to pre-arrange an interview at the fair. In addition, you can post your resume for employers to view at www.mnpcfair.org.
Prepare for the fair.
A "How to Prepare for a Job Fair" workshop will be held Tuesday February 15th, at 3:30 in Saint Mary's Hall Room 132. Plan to attend to help you prepare for the fair!