Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Long Term Volunteering Fair: Nov 2nd

Interested in volunteering for a year or two after graduation?  You NEED to be at this fair.  Contact Campus Ministry for more information.

Tuesday, Nov 2 2010
Hall of Fame Room

Stop by and see the many representatives from various volunteer organizations to work after graduation.
Volunteer Organizations that will be here: Lasallian Volunteer Program, Mercy Corps, Winona Catholic Worker, Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Catholic Volunteer Corps, Franciscan Community Volunteer, Saint Joseph Worker Program, Franciscan Outreach Program, Saint Vincent Pallotti Center, Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry, Redeemer Ministry Corps, Colorado Vincentian Volunteers....

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good news: Americans Believe In God. Bad News? ....

This is a fascinating article on a new study and book, even if it is limited. Do our images of God directly effect the way we see and act in the world? New evidence, and it is detailed!:

Surveys say about nine out of 10 Americans believe in God, but the way we picture that God reveals our attitudes on economics, justice, social morality, war, natural disasters, science, politics, love and more, say Paul Froese and Christopher Bader, sociologists at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Their new book, America's Four Gods: What We Say About God — And What That Says About Us, examines our diverse visions of the Almighty and why they matter.

Based primarily on national telephone surveys of 1,648 U.S. adults in 2008 and 1,721 in 2006, the book also draws from more than 200 in-depth interviews that, among other things, asked people to respond to a dozen evocative images, such as a wrathful old man slamming the Earth, a loving father's embrace, an accusatory face or a starry universe.

Go look at the whole article....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lecture: Br. Paul Joslin on Br. James Miller, Servant of God and SMU alum

Thursday, Oct. 7th, Salvi Lecture Hall at 7:30pm

"Witnessing to Non Violence" Presentation by Br. Paul Joslin FSC

Br. Paul will present his first-hand experience story of living and working with Br. James Miller FSC in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. His story of Br. James is very moving and inspiring!

"Br. James Miller took young people from the hills that had no chance and gave them a combination of hope and life. Are we, too, willing to rise up like Br. James to take the young by the hand and lead them to freedom?" --Archbishop Roach, 1982

(I heard him share on this a few years ago, and it was easily one of the most moving experiences I've had at SMU. I encourage everyone to go!)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

A retrospective from a few years back. Recognize anyone? Happy Feast of Francis t o you!