Thursday, September 5, 2013

"Digital Church Conference" and dinner out: Oct 4th, sign up now!

Time to commit, folks!  Want to go?

Click to enlarge.

If you want to attend this conference on social media and evangelization...through negotiations with the Diocese and Campus Ministry, the cost of attending this conference only $10 (otherwise it could be $50!).  That includes lunch and snacks.

AND...we're still working on it...we are trying to get a "networking" dinner in Rochester immediately afterward.  As in, meet our Theology and Pastoral and Youth ministry alums attending the conference!  Dinner will be basic (burgers at a Rochester restaurant) but free to those attending.

We'll figure out transportation closer to the date--we may want those with cars to offer to carpool some folks.

The $10 registration fee is open to only the first ten students who want to attend, so please contact Dr. Susan Windley-Daoust asap if interested, and she will give you the correct codes to get the special rate online. 

More information on the conference here.  Do check your class schedules and clear this with your professors in any class if you want to attend.